Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Onboard 'Scribbles & Snapshots'!

Well, I finally got myself to shrug off the perceived discomfort of engaging myself on a blog. It seems to be a rather cool place for a part of the soul to hang out. It will be interesting to see though how my musings will elicit myriad opinions from everyone.

I am not thinking of writing anything in particular at the moment. I am meandering in the labyrinths of my mind trying to figure out what I probably should write about. It took me a fair while to get down to giving a title to my blogspot.

'Scribbles & Snapshots' will be my space which will have open corridors, defined sound corners and other such areas that hopes to sustain a hygienic mix of ideas, experiences, observations, thoughts and views. I will begin by opening these corridors to my friends who in turn (I hope) will pass on the good word about 'Scribbles & Snapshots'.

This space will be worth watching once in a while... and might eventually end up being quite an online addiction.


  1. Yeah. As I have told you. The world is waiting for that big online hit. am happy to be the first one to send a note.
    Not too much of a poetry person. Uderstand prose better. So no comments on poetry!! :)

  2. Thanks bud for your thoughts. I am just about getting to do the tango here... Keep dropping by! :)

  3. Thanks Praveen for introducing me to your blog. I have been looking out for a similar space of expression where likeminds could share random views and thoughts. I seek your approval if I could invite others too, who harbour a similar zeal towards this power of expression.
    Cheers Vishnu :)
